Yes I am. I tried all the tricks and spam blasting widgets (or at least I think I did) offered by James and his crew (?). But no can do anymore. I’ve had it with the bushels of unsollicited comments I have to deal with.
Battling spam: pornography, gambling, pharmaceuticals, technology sollicitation has simply gotten the best of me. NO MORE comments, and hopefully trackbacks too. …. I need to read up on this a bit more.
I tried to install this new service from Webride which adds discussion to any web page. But I can’t (don’t know) how to install it here. Perhaps this could be a solution to these pesky spammers. Perhaps I simply don’t know how to manage comments (subscribe only I guess could do the same).
Here is what they have to say. Note they seem to be developing something for wordpress.
From their webpage:
Comment everywhere
Webride automatically attaches discussion forums to each and every web page on the Internet.
Use the input field on the homepage or our browser tool (bookmarklet) to start discussions on web pages you are interested in. With Webride, you are not restricted to only blogs!
From the developer page ummm! hint hint!!!
Blog integration
We, the Webride team, have already started integration with WordPress. API::Blog is half the way through and we would support everyone, who likes to take only the last steps but get all the honors
Currently, our WordPress plugin already chats with the Webride API to post messages, but the other way back – pulling messages from the Webride API, waits for implementation. It isn’t too complicated, but our priorities have changed somewhere in between.